All Albums
About me
3D Character Models
3D Prop Models
3D Clothing
3D Follower Pets
The Chinese Dragon of Tara
Hue - The Playboy Teddy
Whimsicott (Pokémon) Trainer
The Kitsune of Tara - VRChat Pets
The Tara Gothic Kitten Bela - VRChat Pets
The Songbird of Tara, West - VRChat Pets
The Ghoul of Tara, Gelhar - VRChat Pets
The Terrier of Tara - VRChat Pets
The Fool - VRChat Pets
Commission - AkiruOni
BridgeBurn, by Pengosolvent
Requeum - Bio Mech Commission
Phoenix - Glorified Stickman Adoptable!
MSage's Rice Hat
Heart shaped Riding Crop
Steve's OC - Anime girl 3D Model base.
Nero - the stylized Stick Figure shinobi.
Avon the Fox
VIllagecreep's Orb Bot.
Manhattan - MSage's Male Base Model
Papaya, by Glitchedpuppet
The Binding Of Issac - Issac
Sky : Children of the light - Traveler
Lino Blythe - VRChat Commission
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