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Phoenix - Glorified Stickman Adoptable!

Phoenix - Glorified Stickman Adoptable!

Model is available here:

Pheonix - Stick Figure Avatar
This model is named Pheonix! She's as 80s Punk style Stick Figure OC. Glorified stick figures come from an art style & community of stick figure artist, who can be found in the Hyun's Dojo Community. The inspiration for the clothing style was taken from a friend of mine on twitter. @d3adb3at_D1va

This Model is an Adoptable, meaning only 1 of this version can be sold.

For more information about my work as a 3D Character Artist, or if you'd like to get in touch with me, please feel free to check out my website!


The Sage VR Market. A place where trustworthy 3D Artist & 2D Artists can be found, and commissions can be submitted!